Receive solid training in online basics such as how to work efficiently, basic file management, common tools, password security and more.
Get practical training for starting every day in the right way, confidently communicating with virtual colleagues across the globe and creating an easy habit-stacking routine that removes distractions so you can do your best work.
Uncover the essential internet basics – including things that you never even dreamed would be important for your online career, such as:
Learn the basics of HTML
- Get to know advantages and disadvantages of different web browsers
- Master the skill of working smarter vs. working harder
- Uncover the best file management practices and why they matter, including:
Stream-lining working process and naming protocols
- How folder structures can save you time and win you friends
- Even understanding online copyright
Learn skills and gain confidence when working with images, including:
- How to use free, Creative-Commons and paid image sources
- How to identify good images for the task at hand
- Why you need to attribute images correctly
Become proficient at using a host of online tools, from:
- How to efficiently use search engines for everyday tasks
- How to use Google sheets and other online tools
- How to spell correctly and check your grammar
This course is recommended as a first step for every student regardless of experience or skill level. No technical skills are needed; just an open mind to new concepts.