Let’s face it; getting an online writing job can be tough.
Especially when you are starting out with little or no experience at all. And there is that nagging feeling of inadequacy and the fear that:
- You don’t have enough experience
- You fear rejection and not being able to get good clients
- That a client won’t like your work
- That you’ll fail
Stop now!
Actually, the truth is that there are helpful tips you can incorporate into your search and tremendously better your chances of getting hired. They are surefire to get the employers attention and land you that remote job you desire.
Let’s jump right in and unpack these surefire secrets that will definitely get the employers attention and land you that dream job.
Keep reading and you’ll find out…
1. Prepare Awesome Examples
“Can I see examples of your work?” As it turns out, this will most likely be one of the first questions asked by an online employer.
Are you ready to answer that question positively?
Don’t worry; here is how you can better prepare to answer such a question:
First of all, think about the type of writing work that is needed and creates SHORT samples for evaluation by prospective employers.
You can then start preparing awesome examples that cover many writing scenarios. Obviously, quality examples will always win over an impeccable resume.
Show that you understand the varying formats required for online work. Show before and after examples of say an “About Us” page for a company. The ‘after’ is fictional but will get your point across.
Fact is, before vs. after are very powerful ways to illustrate your ability to transform the employer’s business.
Let’s show you exactly how this works:
Write Product Descriptions
This will be a popular request. Stores need product descriptions. Find a poorly written product description and rewrite it. Around 100 description words are good.
Show your stylistic versatility by creating one version in a conversational, friendly style and another version in a dry, technical style.
You can learn more here about how to plan, write and construct product pages for online stores.
Write How to Articles
Products often need an explanation on how to use them. For example: How to put up a hammock swing, How to install a shade sail and much more.
Choose a product you’ve recently purchased or pick something that you are familiar with and then create a step-by-step guide showing how to use or install that product.
Store owners will be interested to see that you can progress a set of instructions from beginning to end.
Write About Us Page
Find an online store with a woeful ‘About Us’ page. Take a screenshot of it so you have a ‘before’ example.
Keep in mind that:
It doesn’t need to be factually correct. You can create a founder story and dream up the date the business was created. It is pure fiction.
The employer is not checking facts; they are checking your writing ability. They simply want to know that you can take a bad About Us page and turn it into something much better.
Show a side-by-side comparison of ‘before’ and ‘after’ so the employer can see what you’ve done.
2. Make Sure You Include a Catchy Introduction to Your Resume
When applying for an online job, your resume is all you’ve got to make or break your first impression. It’s actually your virtual face. And well-crafted catchy resume will help you stand out from the crowd.
Often, employers receive lots of applications and there are ways you can present yourself to stand out and get noticed:
- Show that you understand it’s not just writing, but HOW the writing performs
- Show that you are accountable for your output
- Show that you understand that online writing has a purpose in terms of branding, voice and attracting customers
You can then submit your catchy resume for prospective employers to conveniently find you.
3. Keep Your Rates Flexible
Negotiating can be a useful art when discussing compensation for your online work. You want to be paid well and that is okay.
However, it’s wise to offer a paid trial for about 6 weeks as a starting rate.
That way, your employer will be able to access your performance and you can gently move up the pay scale.
Remember to get everything in writing and gently remind your employer when the agreed upon the time comes.
Salary and Increases
Let’s take a look at a practical example:
In our business, we typically get new people started on a 6-week trial and then raise their hourly wage after that point. We can show you how to manage this with an employer without offending them.
We suggest that you start with US$3/hour and this will attract the employers to take a chance on you. Offer that rate for a 6 week trial period.
If the relationship works out then the rate can be raised to $3.50/hour and at 6 months raised to $4/hour etc. Here’s our definitive copywriter salary guide for more information.
Most employers will be very happy with this situation. It gives them a chance to get to know you without too much pressure on your initial performance. It also gives you breathing space to learn their business and requirements without them expecting 100% efficiency.
The critical part is:
How to negotiate the pay increases upfront. There are no surprises and it means you don’t feel awkward asking for it later. It is simply expected and agreed upon.
Do you agree?
4. Showcase Your Writing Work Through a Blog

If you want to stand out from the crowd – Create a blog. Unfortunately, not so many people do this. But it can be a game changer.
There are many platforms you can use to easily create your blog. Some of the best blogging platforms are WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr. You also search the internet for more options.
Here are some benefits of having your own blog:
- Allows you to develop your own writing
- Gives you self-discipline
- Many people can read your online blog
- You’ll get feedback to help you grow your skills
- You get to choose your own topics, style, and theme
- You’ll be able to build authority in your industry
And isn’t that what you want?
5. Communicate effectively
Communications need to be done quickly, directly, and to the topic.
Be warned:
Never be careless while communicating with your prospective employer. Always double check your replies for spelling and grammatical errors.
When you reply to a prospective employer, always strive to write a bit extra. They’ll be assessing your writing even as you’re emailing back and forth. Therefore, avoid writing short answers.
Also, avoid writing replies via your phone – this will automatically truncate your answers.
But you know what else?
Strive to have an engaging conversation with your prospective employer if done over the phone. And be an efficient communicator on most of the online messaging platforms.
6. Upgrade Your Technical Skills
Just like the carpenters know their wood, hammers and saws, you need to know all about the Google Sheets, Google Docs, Grammarly, search engines, and more.
As a remote worker, you’ll highly rely on technology to work and interact. Therefore, you should be able to handle and navigate systems independently.
You’ll then be able to provide your best contribution to a vast array of online projects. Also, you’d become a better and more accurate communicator.
A smart strategy is to learn more on the use of common online work tools thus setting a solid foundation for advancement in your career.
7. Learn to Work Independently
For a fact, most of the online work is done independently. That takes a lot of self-discipline and being able to work independently. You need to be able to work with minimum supervision and avoid distractions.
8. Have a positive attitude

A positive attitude portrays you as a person who can handle stressful situations, motivate others and transform failures into lessons.
Moreover, you will be able to enjoy these amazing benefits of a having a positive attitude at work.
- Deal with stress
- Gain respect of your coworkers and boss
- Strengthen relationships in and out of work
- You’ll look for solutions instead of dwelling on problems
- Boost your self-esteem
- Helps in creative and constructive thinking.
- Motivates you to work hard
- Makes you happy
9. Be Organized and Able to Prioritize
An employer wants someone who is able to prioritize their tasks and deliver work consistently and timely.
Let that be you.
You may even find yourself working with an online team. So, go ahead and sharpen your organizational skills.
Over to You
Now that you have all these tips to help you get hired online, the trick is to start implementing them today.
Start by creating awesome examples to showcase to your prospective employer, writing up your catchy resume and creating your blog.
Keep in mind that you need to be flexible with your rates. That way, you can always attract employers and negotiate for a trial period.
And while at it, work on your personality traits and portray yourself as a prospective employee who is reliable, self-motivated, responsive, trustworthy, organized, detail-oriented, and able to work independently.
Photo: pressfoto