Getting a Pinterest job can turn out to be the best career decision you’ve ever made. You can make a lot of money working as a Pinterest VA, work from anywhere, and help businesses grow their brand and customer base.
Skeptical? Read this amazing piece of information regarding Pinterest.
As many as 55% of Pinterest users, use it to shop. Every eCommerce shop owner should consider this and put it to good use.
If an eCommerce store doesn’t already have a Pinterest account, they’re seriously missing out. Pinterest is on the rise and it’s yet to reach its full potential. Those that start with their Pinterest strategy today will benefit later. They will already be experts when their competition only starts discovering Pinterest’s benefits.
So, when the numbers are so great and it’s all so promising, why don’t more eCommerce companies have Pinterest accounts? There are many reasons, but these are among the most common ones:
- They don’t know about the advantages of Pinterest
- They don’t know how to use Pinterest
- They don’t have the time to do any Pinterest job
If you are a Pinterest VA, you can help with all of these! This is where your advantage is in the market. And, this is how you can land a new Pinterest job.
Here’s how:
- If an eCommerce business doesn’t understand why Pinterest is important – educate them
- If they don’t know how to use Pinterest- offer your services
- If they don’t have the time to do it – get them to hire you to do the Pinterest job
Before this though, you should get a move on and become the best Pinterest virtual assistant you can be. That way, you’ll be prepared when eCommerce businesses figure out they need an expert VA.
There are four things that you need to learn in order to be competitive in the job market and land the best clients. As a Pinterest VA, you need to be able to:
1: Make a Pinterest Business Profile
There is a difference between a private profile and a business profile. Private profiles are only for personal use, while every eCommerce business, worth its salt, should have a business profile. It’s even possible to convert a personal account into a business account.
There are some Pinterest options that are only available for business accounts. So, the reasons why a business account is essential for an eCommerce store are:
- Pinterest analytics
- Rich pins
- Promoted pins
A Pinterest job involves you doing Pinterest analytics. These analytics tell you all you need to know about the effects of your Pinterest marketing efforts. It will show you the graphs about your daily, weekly and monthly impressions, as well as the number of saves, link clicks and other types of metrics.

Rich pins – If a Pinterest account is created for a store, and when you make them a pin, it will automatically draw information about each product and display it (including the price). Rich pins save you a lot of time.
Promoted pins – This is the Pinterest version of paid ads. You can use them to make sure your pins are displayed to more people who search by using certain keywords.
2: Create Engaging Pins
An engaging pin isn’t necessarily just a visually appealing pin. Pinterest is full of nice pins, but not all of them are getting the same amount of traction.
A Pinterest job may involve the creation of engaging pins. You should consider the design aspects and respect them.
Here are some rules to consider:
- Pins that perform best are pins that are “taller” than winder. Aim for the 2:3 ratio.
- Follow the rule of thirds or golden ratio
- Choose the brand colors and be consistent with a color scheme and fonts.
- Create a combination of text and images
- Always use overlay underneath your text
- Put your website on your pins
- Choose beautiful, appealing photos. No fake-looking people from stock photos
3: Become a Collaborator on Good Boards
Don’t be surprised – collabaration is part of the Pinterest job duties. Thus, once you’ve got some good pins created, you need to make sure that those pins get some traffic.
There are several ways to do this:
- Optimize pin title and description
- Use it as a promoted pin
- Add it to a popular board
It is easy to understand how promoted pin works, so there’s no need to go into more details here. Optimizing your pins means that you use keywords that you want to rank for in the title and the pin description. The Pinterest algorithms will ensure your pin is displayed to people who browse Pinterest for those keywords.
However, a very quick and effective way to gain more followers and to expose your pin to a lot of people is to get it on one of the high-traffic boards. These boards are usually created by famous pinners who have a great follower base.
From time to time, pinners, with a great following, create group boards in which many people collaborate. When you get your pin onto that board, you’ll not only get thousands of followers automatically, but your pin will be displayed on the feeds of all the followers that the famous pinner has. But that’s not all!
The board will have other collaborators, as well. That means that your pin will appear in the feeds of everybody from their follower base, as well. That’s a lot of exposure!
4: Master Pinterest Analytics
Learning from analytics is the best possible way to grow a business. Those numbers and trends are what counts.
That is your ultimate feedback and the answer to the question “Is this how it’s done?” If you are good at your Pinterest job, the analytics will show it. If you still have a lot to learn, the analytics will pinpoint what needs improvement.
Once you have created a business account and added the website to it, you should set up the following to ensure the most accurate Pinterest analytics:
- Get the Save button for your website, so people can pin from there. That will add more information to your analytics.
- Add a Pinterest tag. In that way, you can see what people do after they see your Promoted pin.
- Use Rich pins for your products. They also add more relevant information to your analytics.
Once you have it all set up, you should know how to read the numbers. Here are some terms you need to know:
- Audience growth – measured only when somebody follows your entire account.
- Impressions – measures how many views your pin gets.
- Best in search – these are pins that rank the best based on descriptions, rich pin usage and quality of the links on your pins.
- Power pins – these are pins that spark the most engagement – likes, repins, etc.
- Demographic – shows the number of monthly viewers in comparison with the number of engagements.
- Interests – shows the topics your audience is into.
There are times when an eCommerce owner wants to boost their sales and there are times when they want to build their brand. Ask them about their intentions and then use your skills to utilize Pinterest to achieve those goals.
For example, you can create pins that offer all the information about a topic in a graphical format. Something like an infographic. Those sorts of pins are sharable and they will extend your outreach.
On the other hand, a good image with a compelling heading will inspire your following base to click on it and follow the link to the website in question. In that way, the traffic will be increased.
There is much more than just this to doing a Pinterest job. We can help you gain that knowledge without having to waste time scouring the Internet.
1 Comment
Thank you your article is very good and informational