The aim of this lesson is to teach you, step-by-step, how to write a newsjacking article in order to help improve customer interest, engagement, and sales.
Newsjacking is considered as a wise strategy by many online marketing companies since it involves the process of using the popularity of a news story (or a hot trending topic online) in increasing customer engagement and sales.
The term was actually popularised by the book Newsjacking: How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage, written by David Meerman Scott.
Check out a video of the author himself briefly explaining to the audience what newsjacking is. He also cited a few examples on how newsjacking, as a strategy, was used to generate thousands of online media hits.
As you can see, the author’s advice is to learn newsjacking in order to capitalise on breaking news to drive business growth. According to him, the whole point is to “drive sales by creating content that gets noticed when people are ready to buy”.
Isn’t it a fantastic idea to connect a popular search phrase with your online store’s product(s) and make a lot of money? Sure it is. That’s why you must learn how to do it in order to become an exceptional eCommerce copywriter instead of just an average one. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place for it!
Back to the point – as stated below the video, David knows first-hand that today’s biggest business growth comes from reaching customers directly—in “real” time, using new channels and low- or no-cost strategies. Speed and agility are in. Elaborate planning and large media budgets are out. You can now generate attention for your product, service or idea in minutes—not months.
Once you gain the ability to execute marketing or PR efforts right now, or whenever the moment is ripe, you gain tremendous competitive advantage.
You need to know this in order to be able to use newsjacking in your marketing efforts to attract more potential customers to the online store you’ll be working for. However, most of these news or trending topics are time-sensitive, so you’ll need to know how to find them quickly in order for you to write and publish the article as soon as possible.
Not really sure what a trending topic stands for? Read the following articles and find out everything you need to know for start, that is to say, learn:
- What is a trending topic and how can it be used in eCommerce?
- 11 Ways to Find Trending Topics on Social Media
- 10 Tools for Finding Trending Topics and Popular Content
In a nutshell, in this lesson, we’re going to guide you through all the phases of creating a newsjacking blog post (and much more):
- Phase 1: Gathering news
- Phase 2: Planning the post
- Phase 3: Structuring the post
- Phase 4: Editing the post
- Phase 5: Publishing and promoting the post
Moreover, we’re going to walk you through all the steps within each phase. That’s how you’ll understand how this marketing strategy works in practice on a specific example.
But before that, let’s dive a bit deeper into newsjacking to fully realise how it works and what it really represents. Fasten your seatbelts!
The Notion of Newsjacking and How It Actually Works in eCommerce
Instead of us talking about what newsjacking is and how this fantastic marketing strategy can be best implemented in an eCommerce (or any other) business, we’ll let some renowned experts do the talking. It’ll be more fun that way.
First, let’s see what a president of a marketing agency, Ken Ungar, has to say about the following topics in this short and straightforward video:
- What is newsjacking?
- What can happen when a brand newsjacks a story?
- What are some tips for a good newsjacking?
Next, in one of his Smart Sessions – Josh Denning takes you through an overview of newsjacking and how you can obtain millions of dollars worth of media exposure without paying a single dime for it. It’s certainly worth watching!
Fabulous, isn’t it? Yet, not so complicated and difficult to put into practice, right? Let’s keep learning, then. It’ll definitely pay off soon.
To see what Tony Robbins in collaboration with David Meerman Scott has to point out on real-time marketing, check out the video to follow and learn how to change the mindset first. Curious? You should be.
Also, in the notes below the video, they state newsjacking is one of the biggest marketing secrets for the small business owner — one that can generate huge returns with very little financial investment.
So, let’s hear directly from the marketing strategist that coined the term, David Meerman Scott, in this sneak peek video about his Business Mastery session on real-time marketing.
Here are some more wise words from this well-known marketing expert:
You can buy attention (advertising). You can beg for attention from the media (PR). You can bug people one at a time to get attention (sales). Or you can earn attention by creating something interesting and valuable and then publishing it online for free.”
David Meerman Scott
He’s absolutely right, isn’t he?
Now, when you’ve realised how this phenomenon generally works, it’s time to get more specific and focus on how to use this strategy to grow an eCommerce business.
According to the expert above, the key point behind the whole idea is to create a valuable, interesting, real-time piece of content related to your product to educate and inform people when the moment is right. But, that text, image, or video-based content MUST be tied to something going on in the news.
Mind you, that content can be the difference whether someone pushes that “Buy” button or just goes away from your online store.
That is what the concept of newsjacking is based on!
Watch this video from eCommerce Marketing Podcast, which goes into detail about how you can use newsjacking with eCommerce marketing. Pay special attention to the examples presented, and make sure you learn from them.
Got it? Excellent!
Let’s take a closer look at a bit different advanced newsjacking example now. Ready? Here it is.
For start, check out this online store – FCTRY. Noticed that they sell real life action figures, among other novelty toys? Sure. When Donald Trump started becoming immensely popular, these guys made an incredibly smart move.
Guess what? They spotted the perfect moment for newsjacking and did it!
The whole story started as a joke – these people were making Donald Trump action figures and selling them online to mock him at the time of the US latest presidential election because they didn’t like or support him.
All of a sudden, they realised they started making lots of money from this joke, and they felt bad because the man they considered a villain actually won, as you know.
Then, they started donating ALL the profits from the sale of this toy to the American Civil Liberties Union and announced that in their blog article: We Made a Bunch of Money From Trump’s Win. Now We’re Giving It All Away. Make sure you check out the whole article to get insight into the relevant details.

By writing about this donation on Medium, which is one of the biggest important blogging, publishing and news platforms in the world at the moment, this article gets read and shared on social media a lot.
How come that happens? Well, these smart people have picked a topic of growing worldwide interest, as well as the carefully placed corresponding keywords, right?
Nowadays, many people are interested in what the US President has to say, so they type his name in search engines a lot. When they do that, this article likely pops up towards the top of the search results.
The title and the content certainly attract the reader’s attention, and then people get compelled to click further on their product page(s) within the very first paragraph.
What’s the very first link in the article? Exactly – it’s through to their product! You see the point?
Let’s take a peek at Google Trends results after exploring our topic. This is what we get.

Noticed that massive spike? The exact time (date) it occurs, 31 January, coincides with the time of publishing the article (30 January). You see how that spike went with a bang when those guys from FCTRY published the article? It means the topic was trending, and many people were searching for “trump action figure” in the search engines.
Now you can see the real effects of newsjacking.
People who have got a product to sell spot these trends that are going up, and when they find something suitable, they try to capitalise on it by creating content in which they’re promoting and trying to sell their product.
In short, that’s what this strategy actually is.
In a nutshell, these guys are leveraging that considerable interest in Trump to make money. Got it? Although this isn’t really newsjacking in terms of writing a blog article, it’s a good example to learn from since they’ve newsjacked both the content and the actual product, which is a kind of an advanced and a bit different method.
Now, when you’ve realised why and how you should use this strategy to grow an online store, let’s illustrate on an example how to create a newsjacking blog post. We’re going to walk you through the whole process of applying the newsjacking strategy on another simple eCommerce example.
So, let’s start with the initial phase of writing this kind of a blog post and learn how to gather news for it first.
Phase 1: Gathering News for Your Newsjacking Post
If you want to get the latest news or trending topics on the web, you need to set up a news feed (more details on how to do it in the next subsection). That’s how you’ll keep up-to-date with the latest news relevant to your customers or products.
Once you get the much-awaited alert in your inbox, it’s time to write the article around the news; but it should be written swiftly, in good taste, and from your own unique angle.
It is very important to note that, for every newsjacking blog post that you write, your aim must be to somehow promote your own products and provide links to product pages or categories.
You can always write any newsjacking blog post that you can think of, but the question is:
- Would this promote your products?
- Is this news related to your business?
If the answer is NO, you need to find some other news or a trendy topic to use in order to be able to organically relate it with your product.
Here are some steps which could help you gather the news in the most appropriate way. Get ready to follow them.
Step 1. Set Up Your News Feeds
While there are many paid services where you can get up-to-the-minute news feeds, it is advisable to use Google Alerts while you are still testing the waters. Google Alerts is free and easy to use.
Make sure that you have a working Gmail account. You will need it for the email alerts that will go directly into your inbox.
Here are the steps for setting up a Google Alert for a keyword (or phrase):
- Go to google.com/alerts in your browser.
- Enter your search query. Use quotation marks to search for specific nouns. You can also use the “-” to exclude specific results. For example, use the search “Chromebook -Chromebox” to search for articles where the term Chromebook appears and the Chromebox is not mentioned.
- Choose the result type. Typically “everything” is just fine. You may also limit the results to news, blogs, video, discussions or books.
- Choose how often you wish to receive an alert. The “As-it-happens” setting is best if you need immediate notification.
- Choose whether to receive “only the best results” or “all results”. If your search terms are frequently used or return hundreds of results, choose “only the best results“.
- Choose to receive the results by email or an RSS feed. If you’re likely to receive an alert containing a keyword that will require urgent action, send it to email. If you receive the results in Gmail, you might set up a filter to automatically sort or process the alert.
Repeat these steps for each keyword/topic that’s relevant to your products. We highlighted the preferable options for you to choose. This is the full article suggesting the above steps – Stay informed with Google Alerts.
Or, if you prefer videos, watch this short one and see how to stay on top of a story with this super handy tool.
As an example, let’s say you write for an eCommerce store that sells candles. So you can use ‘candles’ and other related keywords in the search query box to set up the alerts.
How can you potentially newsjack a candle article? We need to figure out some ideas.
Let’s say that Adele, a famous musician, was talking about beeswax candles in the news and you’ve come across a popular article about that. Or you’ve found something like this in Daily Mail:

Here’s your marvellous opportunity – seize it!
People will want to know what she was saying about the topic, what candles she uses, or even how they can do the same themselves. So, they’ll type that key phrase in the search engines to find out.
What happens then is that keyword phrase just goes right up through the roof in Google Trends, as shown in the Trump example earlier in the lesson – remember? Follow this link to learn more about The Art of Newsjacking (And Its SEO Benefits).
Thus, when you write an article about candles using those keywords, you’ll start showing up in the top results in the search engines and people will click on in. When they do so, the first lines of your article will take them through to your sales page, and that will bring you more traffic.
In other words, people actually do NOT search for candles, but for something hot they saw in the news that day. You just jump in and redirect them with your fabulous, valuable, and relevant content. Isn’t that a great chance?
When setting up alerts, you’ll notice that the Google Alert for Today news feeds appear as you type the keywords/topics in the search query box. These are real-time news that you can immediately check for relevant stories.
Below the Search Query are also a series of editable options. You can set them up for the latest news and the purposes of newsjacking based on the screenshot below. Remember the phrases we highlighted in setting up Google Alerts? This is it.
However, you can also always set them according to your preferences and needs.

For following a trending story, here’s what Lifehacker: Five Creative Uses for Google Alerts suggests:
Prefer to drink from the fire hose? “As-It-Happens” is always an option, and Google Alerts will feed you new news stories and search results of all types as soon as they index them.
It’s not as fast as social media like Twitter or Facebook, but it’s pretty quick.
To stick to reports from news agencies, make sure to change the “Result Type” from “Everything” to “News” or “Blogs.” You may also want to change “How Many” to “Only the Best Results” to weed out the cruft.
Besides setting up, here’s how to manage your alerts, edit or delete the keywords/topics and adjust your alert settings.
If you want to add another keyword/topic, just click the Create a New Alert button and follow the steps again.
You may also want to read the following useful articles about Google Alerts:
- Google Alerts Simplified – a Complete Tutorial
- Create an alert
- Google Alerts: What They Are, How to Make One
- How to set up a Google Alert (and why it’s a good idea)
After you’ve set up Google Alerts, here’s what you should do next.
Step 2. Monitor Your Gmail Inbox Regularly
It is important that you monitor your incoming emails in Gmail so you are able to catch the latest news items that are relevant to your products.
You will get Google Alerts in your inbox. So if you have set up an alert for a term related to candles, for example, you will see the keyword or phrase, and the type of setting you chose (preferably “as it happens” for latest news) as an excerpt of the email.
Guess what else matters a great deal? Here’s what.
Step 3. Check the Alerts That Land in Your Inbox Right Away
Once you have a Google Alert email in your inbox, check it right away. You will need to visit the website itself to see the full story. Of course, you’ll see an excerpt of the news alert once you’ve opened the message in your Gmail Inbox too.
Take a look at the highlighted excerpt below, which can also be a potential story you can newsjack for your candle eCommerce store.

As soon as you spot a potentially useful story, grab it. But how will you know it’s the right one? This is how.
Step 4. Visit the Website to See the Full Story
It is important to note that NOT every Google Alert you’ll receive in your inbox has the potential to be a newsjacking article. Sometimes, you’ll see an alert but the story isn’t a good fit for your products. Still, every alert deserves a view and its corresponding post a read.
Once you come across a perfect one, here’s what to do.
Step 5. Determine and Highlight the Relevant Information on the News Story
In our example, the news story about this candle store in Gatlinburg, Tennessee may also be a good fit for a newsjacking article.
Highlighted on the screenshot of the news page (see below) are possible details that you can include in your article since they have the potential to spark interest among your customers.
You can list down the possible items or bits of information found on the news.
So, for example, if you are also selling an array of candle molds or candles that come in numerous designs and shapes, you will be able to write a newsjacking article around these products.

You’ve got the adequate news. Great! Now what?
It’s time for the second phase. Let’s see how to plan your blog post.
Phase 2: Planning Your Newsjacking Post
After you’ve gathered the relevant news you are ready to start planning your post. For the best results follow these steps in this second phase.
Step 1. Determine the Angle of Your Newsjacking Article
In the case of a newsjacking article, you already have a piece of information on-hand, but it needs to be used in a certain way to ramp up your own article.
In our previous example, the decades-old Gatlinburg candle store was featured on the news for their thousands of candle molds – implying that they can make any candle design you can imagine.
To capitalise on that headline, you can compose a newsjacking article that’s angled in the following way:
“If you design and make your own candles, you can say that this Tennessee-based candle store is quite popular for making any candle design imaginable. But they are too far away and shipping is expensive even for a few candles. However, your store sells almost the same types of candle designs and you have a creative candle-maker who can make almost any type of candle shape and design. And you can also add that you are always on the lookout for new and exciting designs that you can add in your collection.“
Or if you want to focus on the ‘special orders’, you can angle your article this way:
“This Tennessee-based candle store makes thousands of candle designs and they also take special orders from customers. You can tell your customers that special orders usually take time especially if the candle molds are yet to be fabricated. If you make your own candle molds, or even if you order them from a supplier, you can tell your customers that you also take special orders for a fraction of the time and price.“
Having determined the angle of your newsjacking article, use it as a basis for your reader’s takeaway. No idea how? Just keep reading.
Step 2. Identify Your Reader’s Takeaway
As mentioned above, you can base your readers’ takeaway on the angle you have determined. You can also ask yourself what you want your readers to glean after reading your article.
Make sure to note down your ideas. Then, choose the best one that will complement your newsjacking article.
Here is a good example. For the candle eCommerce store, the possible takeaways are, for instance, savings on shipping, numerous available design options similar to the store in Tennessee, and special orders.
OK. Now you’ve got quite a good starting point, right? What’s left in this planning phase is to come up with a few ideas to craft your blog post working title(s).
Step 3. Think of a Few Titles for Your Article
Brainstorm in order to get ideas for a good, compelling title. You can base your title options on your reader’s takeaway list and article angles you came up with.
Don’t worry if you find some of the titles a little awkward or too long or not compelling enough. Just choose the best one and use it a ‘working’ title to help you focus more on writing the content.
Fine tuning your title can be done once your article is complete. You can tweak the words to make them more interesting and compelling until they perfectly reflect the content of your article.
To learn more, refer to our lesson Blog post basics: planning if you haven’t already. Also, you may want to check out our fantastic lesson The Art of the Headline to help you further with crafting your article working and final titles.
Done with the planning phase! It’s time to structure your newsjacking post now. Let’s get down to work!
Phase 3: Structuring Your Newsjacking Post
You’ve reached the third phase of this process and are getting closer to your final blog post. Keep up the good work! Let’s find out how to structure a newsjacking article.
Like most other articles, a newsjacking one also typically consists of the following sections:
- An introduction which introduces and briefly recaps your topic
- An article body which provides details and discusses the story
- A conclusion that wraps up the article with a succinct statement that reflects what the readers have learned
Keep these in mind while gathering your thoughts, and especially while writing the major part – body of your newsjacking article. Use each section as a guide to help you focus on the specific details you’d like to discuss.
Let’s point out the most important steps within this third phase.
Step 1. Write the Article
When it comes to creating your newsjacking blog post, ALWAYS remember this key point:
Write your newsjacking article as soon as possible and as fast as you can.
The idea behind writing a newsjacking article at a faster speed is the time-sensitivity of such articles. Although there are news items that have long-lasting impacts on readers, you wouldn’t want to be the last person to publish a post about them, would you?
Even though you are not directly writing about the news itself, your readers will see that the news you are referencing is still fresh and currently being talked about.
Also, there are certain psychological and social factors that trigger a customer when a product is being talked about, even indirectly.
All in all, keep in mind the following tips when writing a newsjacking article:
- You can start by writing a persuasive introduction about the news story, and then provide a more detailed explanation about it in the next few sentences
- Reference the news story in the intro by hyperlinking the word or phrase that corresponds to it
- When writing the body of the article, make sure that the information answers the reader’s question “what’s in it for me?” by providing benefits and useful information
When done with the introductory and the body parts of your post, it’s time to wrap it up. Shall we?
Step 2. Write the Conclusion
Your newsjacking article’s conclusion should include the paraphrased takeaway you have outlined. Go ahead, summarise the benefits and learnings you have provided to your readers.
You can also add a question at the end of your conclusion to encourage the readers to leave their comments.
That’s all, isn’t it? Well, not really. There’s one more important point you should NOT forget or neglect.
Step 3. Determine Your Call to Action
Your call to action should compel the readers to do something after reading your article. You could either ask them to subscribe to your newsletters, share the article to a friend, or buy something from your store.
Whatever you decide, do NOT leave your article without a clearly stated and prominently placed CTA. Always tell your readers exactly what action you want them to take after reading your post. Got it?
OK. When you’ve written your newsjacking post, you should edit it like any other piece of writing, right? Remember – NEVER skip the next phase!
Phase 4: Editing Your Newsjacking Post
After you complete the structuring part, you are ready to edit it, as you already know. The next subchapters will help you to do the editing step by step. In this way you can be sure you will not omit anything.
Step 1. Finalise the Title
Once your content is in place, make sure you go back to your working title to check if it is indeed accurate, concise, and specific. If you know enough about SEO (search engine optimisation), make sure that the title is SEO-optimised.
No idea what it means? Here are some basics.
An optimised title is important for SEO because it gives search engines a big hint on what the page is about.
A good title should have the following characteristics:
- It has a character length between 55-60 so that it is shown without breaks in the SERPS
- It includes your target keyword (but not keyword stuffed)
- It accurately describes the content of the blog post
- It is interesting to make users click your entry when displayed in the search engines results pages
To check out some examples and more tips on how to write SEO friendly blog posts, follow the link provided.
The blog post title is important for 3 main reasons:
- A good title will attract more readers and social media attention
- A good title is essential for SEO purposes
- Blog titles should help both readers and search engines understand what the post is all about. Google has recently released a one-page cheat sheet stressing the importance of page titles for SEO purposes so it is not something you should neglect for any reason
To learn more on how to choose your blog post titles, read the article: What should I write in my blog and how to choose post titles? by Alex Chris.
The title (i.e. headline) of your blog post will be a search engine’s and reader’s first step in determining the relevance of your content, so including a keyword here is vital. You see?
Also, be sure to include your keyword within the first 65 characters of your headline, which is just about where Google cuts it off on search engine results pages (SERPs). Find out more about how to search engine optimise your blog content and how to use basic SEO to bring traffic to your blog by following the links.
Now when you know all this, don’t forget to tweak the title as needed before posting the article. OK?
When you have a perfect title for your newsjacking post, double-check every word you’ve written.
Step 2. Proofread and Edit Your Article
As a standard procedure, it is a MUST to proofread and edit your article before and after you publish it on your blog. You can ask your colleagues or a friend to do a second round of proofreading just to make sure there are NO typos or any other mistakes.
Then, double-check your resources.
Step 3. Link Other Resources You Have Included
If you have included information or you have cited another website within your article, it is important that you hyperlink them and that ALL those links are working properly. This will help your readers identify them as additional resources they can check out for themselves.
A link to a resource adds credibility to your written article since it helps you appear more reliable to your readers. It also helps your website gain search engine visibility.
After taking care of this, it’s time to spice your article up with some good visuals.
Step 4. Look for an Accompanying Image
You can search for images via Creative Commons, royalty-free photo/image websites, or from your own product galleries. Make sure to list down the links of the images you find, so you can give proper attribution to the contributor.
Images you use from your own gallery or store do not require links if those pictures or graphics were made in-house.
Excellent! Every single detail of your blog post is in place now! Congratulations! It’s only left to hit that publish button and promote your content. Let’s go to the last phase to check what else needs to be done, shall we?
Phase 5: Publishing and Promoting Your Newsjacking Post
Now, when the writing and editing parts are done, you are ready to publish and promote your fabulous piece of writing. The best way to do that properly is to follow the steps below.
Step 1. Copy and Paste the Content to Your Blog
If you have written your article using MS Word or the Mac equivalent of it, you need to copy and paste it first on MS Notepad (or on Mac’s TextEdit). This process removes the formatting when you copy and paste it from Notepad into your blog’s text editor.
Format your article within your blogging platform. Highlight headers and subheaders by marking them bold, use the hyperlink button to add links onto resources you’ve cited, and make sure images are properly sized after uploading and adding them onto your post.
After scanning and proofing your article, it is time to hit “Publish” to make it live. Voila!
Sometimes you’ll be expected to do transfer the written article into a CMS and publish it on your own. Another possibility is that there will be a Web Developer or a Virtual Assistant within the online store you’ll be working in.
Their job may be to do that for you. In that case, you only need to submit your article to the person in charge on time.
Let’s work on its promotion now.
Step 2. Promote and Share Your Published Article
There are numerous ways to promote and share an article or blog post. The first is through your subscribers which you can send an email update to.
The next is to share your post via social networks such as your store’s Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, Pinterest, Stumble Upon, Google+, and many others. Make sure to add a call to action, as well as some hashtags onto the short messages you’ll include.
Note: Marketers are the ones who are usually expected to do this part of the job. But, you as a copywriter might also be asked to do it so you must know how.
Great! You’ve just completed your newsjacking blog post! Is there anything else you should pay attention to? Sure. There always is.
Learn From Others
The most important thing to remember in newsjacking is using the story accordingly. Never use a sensitive news story for promoting since it can backlash swiftly.
Always think carefully once you receive Google Alerts with enticing news stories. Ask yourself if you really want to be associated with this news or with the name/brand mentioned in it.
Never attempt newsjacking if you are unsure of the news story. Don’t risk your business and reputation just because the news is hot and insanely viral.
Let’s analyse some examples of newsjacking done the WRONG way.
Example #1 Kenneth Cole Egypt Tweets Ignite Firestorm
Take a close look at what you should NEVER do: “Fashion house Kenneth Cole Productions (KCP) became the target of the Internet’s collective wrath on Thursday after the company’s namesake chairman tweeted a promotion that joked about this week’s escalating protests in Egypt.”
Example #2 When Newsjacking Goes Terribly Wrong
In 2012, Hurricane Sandy swept from the Atlantic across seven countries, leaving nearly 300 people dead. But this didn’t stop some companies from being jocular about the event:

You might also want to read this: Is Newsjacking Hurricane Sandy Right or Wrong?
Example #3 When Newsjacking Goes Terribly Wrong
The same source as the previous shows another terrible example of newsjacking. Check it out.

On the other hand, a newsjacking article that’s done correctly can help you tremendously. It can provide you with more credibility, good reputation, and exposure.
Below are a few examples of newsjacking done the RIGHT way. For more detailed explanations, please follow the links provided.
Example #4 Save the Children
Here’s a good example of newsjacking – experts offering help when a tragedy happened.

Example #5 The NFL watches the throne
This is another clever example of newsjacking.

Example #6 Spirit Airlines’ newsworthy email promos
One more good example follows.

Here are some suggestions for further reading and learning on the topic. Go ahead, explore the sources to see more examples.
- 5 Brand Marketing Efforts That Took Newsjacking to the Next Level
- 15 Examples of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Newsjacking (Pay special attention to the three rules to effective newsjacking presented in this article)
- The Inbound Marketer’s Complete Guide to Newsjacking
- How to Jack the News to Generate Marketing Buzz
- 10 Oscar-Worthy Examples of Brands Newsjacking the Academy Awards
- 8 Clever Ways Brands Are Newsjacking the Election for Marketing
- 4 Simple Newsjacking Formulas for Content Teams of Any Size
- How To Boost Your Content Creation Strategy With Newsjacking
- Newsjacking: Using the Life of a News Story to Your Brand’s Advantage
- How Newsjacking Can Make Your Blog a Must-Read by Your Ideal Customers
You see how newsjacking has two extremes, why it is so important especially for eCommerce, and how it can be successfully used in this industry? Great! It’s time to summarise what we’ve learnt in this lesson.
In Summary
Newsjacking is one of the most effective strategies or methods you can use to improve your visitor engagement. Properly choosing a story to newsjack and writing in an organised fashion can possibly take your eCommerce business to the next level.
- Make sure that you have a Google/Gmail account in place
- Set up a Google Alert for relevant keywords/topics
- Always check your Gmail inbox for alerts
- Think several times before newsjacking a popular but sensitive story
- Avoid newsjacking stories that are not relevant to your product
- Write swiftly but systematically and with caution
- Link to resources you’ve included into your article
When you want to start writing newsjacking posts there are some phases and steps that you need to follow in order to have the best possible article.
As soon as you spot the perfect news for your post i.e. relevant to one of your products, waste no precious time. Immediately start planning and then structuring the post. When doing this you should have the following in mind:
- Make an outline
- Write the article
- Write the conclusion
- Determine your call to action
After you finish the writing part, the next thing you have to do is to edit the post. If you want to do this properly, follow the next steps:
- Finalise the title
- Proofread and edit your article
- Link to other resources you have included
- Look for accompanying images
Finalising all of the above, now you are ready to publish. Just do not forget to promote and share your published article. It would be too bad for such an amazing piece of work to go unnoticed, right?
In the end, educating yourself is never a waste, don’t you think? So, always learn from others. You can learn a lot from good examples, but also from the bad ones. Enjoy learning!