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You’re here because you’ve decided that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the best way to bring organic traffic to your website and build a name for your brand, right?

For starters, SEO helps your website improve its visibility on SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages). In other words, your website ranks highly when a user searches keywords related to your business.

SEO copywriting involves meticulously crafting website content that helps website crawlers and search engine algorithms find your website faster. Sales copy is the content written to make readers take a specific action. 

SEO copywriting is an art. Many people believe that writing talent is enough to create remarkable sales copies. They couldn’t be more wrong. Writing skill is excellent for books, brochures, or press releases. 

When it comes to writing for the internet, the game changes. The art of SEO copywriting involves expertise in marketing, coupled with SEO technical skills.

With this said, you must have already guessed that website content is simply not enough for the internet. 

You want to be particular with your SEO content. Why? 

Would you remember the last time you clicked on the second page of Google while you were looking for something? Exactly! Nobody goes beyond the first page of Google. Your online brand might as well not exist if it’s not on the first page.

Enter SEO copywriting services.

Why should you hire SEO copywriting services for your business? Here are 6 reasons:

SEO copywriting services

They Research Keywords for Your Website

Keyword research is a vital part of SEO copywriting. It refers to the process of researching and analyzing search phrases that people enter into search engines to find websites like yours. In most cases, the primary purpose for keyword research is SEO.

To do keyword research, you need to utilize a few tools for this specific purpose. SEO copywriting services have just the right tools and follow the right processes.

Copywriters understand how to discover new opportunities in your niche so that they pursue them to help you grow your audience.

You don’t carry out this process haphazardly. The keywords need to be relevant to your market and receive enough organic traffic to boost your visibility.

As a business owner, you might not understand this process and lack the time to learn about it. That’s why you might be missing your target audience.

Professional SEO copywriting services will help you research and analyze search terms that will drive your brand’s visibility up.

They Integrate Keywords Into Your Copy

Keyword research is only the beginning of SEO copywriting. First, you have to understand how to weave the keywords into your website copy correctly.

Of what use would the keywords be if you don’t know how to place them effectively?

While keywords need to be used generously in your content, be careful about keyword stuffing. It refers to spamming your copy with more than enough keywords to manipulate search results.

Keyword stuffing ends up hurting your brand and also affects readers’ experience. Therefore, you should never unnecessarily repeat keywords in your copy.

A professional SEO copywriter will integrate the keywords naturally so that they don’t affect the flow of the content.

For example, when writing on a specific topic, the writer may use all target keywords effortlessly.

They Have Experience in Various Aspects of Marketing

Building an online brand and increasing visibility is not an easy task. Your website copy needs to engage your readers and prompt them to take action without sounding like a pushy salesperson.

Hiring SEO copywriting services is beneficial as they understand all the multi-facets of marketing.

They include:

  • They know how every type of content can impact your business and propel you towards your marketing goals and targets.
  • They understand how to optimize copy for search because they have a strong background in digital marketing.
  • They know how to integrate each piece of content into your marketing strategy and boost it with other techniques.

Internet Marketing Service

Your SEO copywriter will not only help you create compelling content but also help you leverage your business goals by focusing on marketing trends.

They Prioritize Engaging Content Over the Technical Stuff

Search engine algorithms are becoming smarter each day. They’re filtering and categorizing search results better than before.

It’s an exciting evolution because Google is prioritizing quality content over keyword-stuffed website content.

As a result, compelling content is gaining superiority over articles that have used less than favorable tactics to rank. What does this mean for businesses?

While it’s essential to understand the technical aspects of SEO, it’s also not enough. Google has become more innovative and will rank content that’s engaging and will be loved by the readers.

Here are five vital elements of engaging SEO copy:

Addresses readers’ needs
  • Engaging content needs to focus on your readers, not you.
  • It should impact them by having their problems solved by reading your content.
Relevant to the reader
  • Your blog should have lots of food for thought for your target audience.
  • Write about hot topics so they may find all the answers under one roof.
Appealing and interesting
  • Your readers should become enthusiastic about your content immediately when they read the headlines and the first line.
  • Keep it entertaining and engaging.
  • Your content should offer your readers a new perspective on those topics.
  • Give them a unique insight into something they haven’t heard about before and help them relate to it.
Elicit reactions
  • Website content should engage the readers at an intellectual level and cause the desired emotional reaction.
  • The call to order (CTA) should prompt them into purchasing the goods or services recommended

Capturing your audience’s attention and engaging them is more important than going out of your way to rank.

The more you engage with your audience, the more loyal they become to your brand and the more they’ll promote and share your content.

The best SEO copywriting services understand this. If you were looking for a convincing answer to hire them, look no further.

They Understand the Best Content Structure for Digital Marketing

Another essential reason you should hire a professional copywriting service is that they understand the most appropriate content structure for optimized blog posts.

Generally, including keywords in your copy is good for ranking, but that alone is not enough. The keywords need to be used in the correct places to capture the audience’s attention.

Your title, headers, and first paragraph must include the search phrases, as they help draw the target audience to your site.

Great copywriters also understand that the audience is reading from a screen, most likely mobile ones. They also know that Google prefers long content as it’s informational and has a lot of depth.

Excellent content writing services will strike the right balance. For this reason, they’ll vary the content length so that the article structure provides the desired outcome both on Google and for the readers.

Compelling content also includes authority links. When you link to external sources, search engine algorithms know that your website is an excellent source of information.

They Will Create SEO Content Consistently

As a business owner, you only have so much time on your hands. You’re better off spending this time marketing your business, meeting clients, and chasing new business.

An essential part of SEO that most people tend to forget is consistency. Search engines give preference to websites that are up-to-date and have relevant information.

Search engines are more likely to trust you and rank your website if you frequently post excellent SEO content.

If you want results from your content strategy, don’t just post once and leave your site lying idle for the next three months. Posting well-written content to your website will also increase the chances of converting your readers into leads.

Your content needs to go through the following content writing phases before publishing:

writing stage diagram

Consistent article writing doesn’t mean that you should flood Google with your content all at once. Instead, what you need is a content schedule.

An effective schedule considers your audience’s needs. For example, if they need articles twice a week, you can post one each on Tuesday and Friday.

Make it consistent, so they always look forward to the upcoming ones.

You can even time your articles’ release for when your audience is most active. Amazing, right?

SEO copywriters can help you develop a content schedule and post the SEO copy on specific days and times. As a result, your site will not only look professional, but polished and up-to-date.

Ready to Hire?

The reasons we’ve listed above should be enough to convince you that hiring SEO copywriting services could be your best business decision yet.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can revolutionize your copywriting needs.

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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution. With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass