Yes, freelancing jobs are getting more and more available. Yet, cobbling an income together while working online has never been an easy feat.
As much as having a boss around can be tough, being your own boss while working online can have its ups and downs. As things stand with pretty much anything related to online work, you’ll have to learn as you go.
The thing is: someone needs to get that job done! And that’s still you!
Want to learn how to make it through the work week in spite of these challenges?
Self-motivation is critical. Once you map out a good working plan that suits you, all you need is to stay motivated and then watch a productive work week take shape.
These 37 inspirational quotes will have you covered any day of the week. Just a sneak peek here and there will help you keep on track with your online work.
Your Monday Inspirational Quotes: Get Started
We’ve all been there. Getting started is tough for pretty much anyone. Even if you’re a natural go-getter, you’ll need an ironclad determination to get started full blast Monday morning.
If you’re an online worker, things get even trickier. Working from the comfort of your home is a perk if you ask anyone, but it also offers more distractions an average Joe can bear.
Netflix, neighbors, family members, increasingly attractive household chores – you name it. When you add the fact that it’s Monday, chances are you’ll be all over the place – anywhere except on the task.
To avoid this you need a sharp focus and a clear idea of your goals.
The quotes below are a useful reminder that the weekend is gone and you have to do a little bit of earning.
Quote #1
Quote #2
Quote #3
Quote #4
Quote #5
Quote # 6
Your Tuesday Inspirational Quotes: Take Action
Stuff that you should learn in freelancing 101 is that being all talk and no action is a dead end. And probably also the end of your online career.
Wasting time won’t get you anywhere. It’ll only ensure you stay glued to that chair for a few hours plus. Not exactly what you’ve planned for yourself, right?
For starters, you need to be efficient enough so both you and your clients are happy at the end of the day (or the week, if you like it). There are ways. You’ll need fierce determination and a few useful productivity techniques.
If it’s Tuesday and your work is still sitting undone, you better sink your teeth into it!
Quote #7
Quote #8
Quote #9
Quote #10
Quote #11
Quote #12
Your Wednesday Inspirational Quotes: Keep Strong
Most people experience a dip in productivity halfway through the week. Hump day is hardly anyone’s favorite. But, don’t let this be you.
If you stay reasonably productive throughout the week, you’ll be more than satisfied with your results come to the end of the week. Make the most of the time you spend working on your laptop and it will pay off!
And if it’s really your off-day, take more frequent breaks. It’ll help you get yourself in the mood to work. And so will the quotes below.
Quote #13
Quote #14
Quote #15
Quote #16
Quote #17
Quote #18
Quote #19
Your Thursday Inspirational Quotes: Reflect on Your Wins

It’s Thursday and you already have heaps of good work done. So, take a moment to reflect on each of the small wins you’ve managed to notch up.
The realization of your achievements so far will help you hammer away at the rest of the tasks for the week.
Quote #20
Quote #21
Quote #22
Quote #23
Quote #24
Quote #25
Your Friday Inspirational Quotes: Face Your Demons
A HUGE roadblock on your way to success as an online worker can actually come from within. You need to investigate this. Your own mind could be working against you.
Yet, facing your inner fears will turn things around for you.
When you let go of worries, you’ll be able to keep your focus on getting the job done.
Quote #26
Quote #27
Quote #28
Quote #29
Quote #30
Quote #31
Quote #32
Your Weekend Inspirational Quotes: Know Your Course
It’s always beneficial to know where you’re going, especially when business is concerned. The weekend is drawing near? Use it to pause, recap and look at the big picture.
Reevaluate your goals and set your course towards them. Then rejig your priorities and set small future goals that will safely take you where you want to be.
Quote #33
Quote #34
Quote #35
Quote #36
Quote #37
Take That Work Week and Nail It
Want to stay afloat as an online worker year from now?
Having an efficient work week is a lifeline to your success. And that’s exactly what the inspirational quotes above will offer you.
If you perform below acceptable, you’ll end up having all work and no play. Sooner or later the work will have to be done.
So bite the bullet and finish your tasks on time. It’ll leave you with more time to build up your freelancing skills – so you become a specialized, savvy online worker.
Small Revolution is here to help, take a peek at our online job training and start your learning today!
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