Do you remember the Old Spice guy?
The campaign “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” is memorable because it gave Old Spice a voice. The voice came through in commercials, social media pages, and taglines. Who is behind all that marketing genius? Copywriters.
Finding the right voice to tell your organization’s story is not an easy task; it is even harder to give that voice consistency.

However, there are companies doing just that successfully, and their copywriters deserve a salary increase or a pat on the back.
If you’re looking to improve your copywriting, the following list can offer inspiration as well as insight into why these compelling campaigns worked wonders for their brands.
Clever Website Copy
Creating a website is a lot of work and a web developer will involve a copywriter for content and useful tips.
A website under construction or maintenance can be an opportunity to speak to potential customers. A message such as “We shall be up in a week” speaks directly to the user and gives a timeline of when the website will be functional.
Savvy copywriters can use this opportunity to build trust with their clients. Even a potential negative, such as a website under construction, can be used to build trust. Just make sure that the website really is up and running when you say it is going to be!
Navigating through the other pages, a reader should be intrigued to explore the website. This can be achieved by a copywriter including phrases such as “Click here to preview the next page”, “Want to see more?”, “All you need to know is here”, etc.
Why is this genius? Direct and to-the-point copy means a reader is directed on where to go next. This can achieve more clicks and increased traffic for the website.
Now we’ll get to 8 examples of excellent copywriting that you can add to your roster of effective writing tactics:
1: Gousto
Most FAQ pages have questions and comments listed for users with general questions. Gousto is an online meal kit retailer that delivers fresh ingredients and recipes. Their FAQ page draws you in and chases your hunger away.
They answer the questions in a fun and appealing way that speaks for their brand and engages customers.
Check out this comment from their page: “With Gousto you don’t need that epic shopping list, soul-crushing queue at the checkout or to take part in the heavyweight grocery bag Olympics. All you need is your weekly box.”
Don’t you just love that sentiment!
Such great copy inspires you to write good content that appeals to readers. You can learn a lot from exposing yourself to another writer’s work; reading and researching clever writing can sharpen your skills.
2: Ricola
In 2014, Ricola, a company that specializes in cough medicine, launched an advertising campaign that drew everyone’s attention.
It was filled with sarcasm, but this enhanced their brand while keeping clients entertained.
“ She’s (cough) just a friend” makes the statement look quite deceptive, much to the delight of their readers.
As a copywriter, you can see that adding some humor to your content can go a long way in engaging the reader.
3: Nick Kolenda
It’s always best to say exactly what your brand is about from the beginning. Nick’s website gives you this direct information.
His website is extremely straightforward, appealing to readers who love honesty from a brand.
Nick’s simple and clear copy, which doesn’t use power words or persuasive language, shows a genius way of copywriting that works, giving Nick 15,000 subscribers.
4: AirBnB
The visual effects and images on AirBnB come across as though they are the main source of information. However, the copy helps drive a lot of the website’s traffic while being barely noticeable.
The site wouldn’t work well without the copy. The images alone can’t tell the entire story. The copy allows you to ‘belong anywhere’ while going through the content.
AirBnB’s website is a perfect example of copywriting that speaks volumes from a combination of images and text. Can you pitch your work using similar methods? Why not!
5: The Hustle
Picture an email popup directed to you by name from a popular tech and business news website. Wouldn’t that be appealing? The Hustle evokes a personal feel for readers by encouraging them to sign up for newsletters and tech news.
Personalized messages come across as a friend wanting to involve you in their day-to-day activities as opposed to a formal website insisting on email sign-ups.
Make readers feel warm and comfortable to see a tidy pay off.
6: SBT Japan
Selling cars can be a difficult task. SBT Japan is an international company that exports used cars globally. They boast high quality used cars, affordable prices, and great customer care.
On their website, SBT Japan includes compelling copy with clear pictures of the cars on sale. The homepage also has customer testimonials, which is a strong selling point to prospective clients.
From their landing page, you can learn all the pertinent information about them without having to navigate too much. If you are looking to buy a car, clear images of the entire vehicle and endorsements from past happy customers are highly likely to attract you to buy a car from them.
Structuring content in this format gives you some tips as a copywriter on how you can incorporate your writing to achieve maximum results.
7: Innocent Drinks
Innocent Drinks uses a simple and witty approach to sell their products. They take a simple drink and associate it with a holiday feel; this is a compelling technique.
A good copywriter sells products but a great one knows how to convert a product into a meaningful memory.
Appeal to your customers’ emotions to drive sales. Use rational arguments to assist customers in justifying their buy.
Using a human touch will gain positive results in the form of increased sales and customer inquiries.
8: Apple
Tech giant Apple maximizes its content using rhythm and rhyme. Copywriters at this company are considered to be marketing poets. The copy they produce is smooth and convincing.
The twists and turns in wording make all the difference. For example, observe how this clever statement catches your eye:
Ingenuity makes it thin.
Aluminum makes it strong.
It’s a compelling message in a simple package. They are touting both the brilliance in design and the durable materials in a streamlined and catchy way.
You can take a page out of Apple’s book by thinking of the most clear, concise, and clever way to get the selling features across.
When you’re writing copy, what is the main message you want to communicate? Focus on just one thing. Make it fun and add some spice as this will keep your readers on their toes.
Explain what you do in a simple and direct way while maintaining a conversational tone.
Start Writing Compelling Copy

With all of these fantastic examples of effective copy, you should be well on your way to your own copywriting genius.
If you need a place to get started, check out the best online job boards to land lucrative copywriting gigs.
Witness the difference that professional training can make and jumpstart your copywriting career today.