Below is the full list of step-by-step guides that are scheduled to appear in the Email Marketing category over the next few weeks.
Many of these guides already exist in our own Knowledge Base, but we are transferring them into Small Revolution without our own internal references.
You will be able to transfer these step-by-step guides into your own Knowledge Base and your remote team can be trained to work through them sequentially.

- Write Email Marketing Goals & Strategy
- Choose Email Marketing System
- Setup & Configure Email Marketing Platform
- Customise Email Newsletter Templates For Web & Mobile
- Create General Auto-Responder Schedule
- Write General Auto-Responder Sequence
- Customise Auto-Responder Content Images
- Insert Newsletter Subscription Widget Into Store
- Insert Newsletter Signup Pushes Into Store Content Pages
- Create Seasonal Auto-Responder Schedule
- Write Seasonal Auto-Responders
- Create Free Digital Product Enticement Downloads
- Fix A Cold Email List With A Welcome Mat
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