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In 2020, more people are considering working online than ever before. In fact, an analysis by FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics in the U.S. found that online work has grown:

Remote work growth
Source: flexjobs

But what if remote work was more than just a job? What if remote workers made an entire career out of it?

Well according to the same FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics study, most are:

“75% of current teleworkers say they plan to work remotely for the rest of their career!”

When considering an online career, it’s important to look at the reasons why it’s a good idea. Sure, many articles will list out the same advantages of online work to convince you such as:

  • Saving time on commutes.
  • Saving money on office space, commute, and eating out.
  • Working in your comfort zone and from anywhere.
  • Managing a better work-life balance and spending more time with loved ones.

Those reasons are all valid, but no one really wants to read another rehashed article on the topic. Not when there are more fulfilling reasons to start an online career and make it more than a job.

This is what this article focuses on, three reasons that go deeper into the online career experience. Three factors you’re not likely to get while working a full-time office job or online part-time.

Online Careers Open New Doors

One aspect of having an online career is that there are absolutely no limits to what you can learn. In fact, working exclusively online is an ever-learning and ever-growing process.

As a remote worker, you get to improve as much as you want in your dedicated field. You don’t have anyone telling you what you can or can’t learn, or how much time you have to learn.

You get to decide how much time you want to spend learning and where you want to learn. A benefit of online work is that, in most cases, the skills you need to improve on are at your fingertips. They’re available right where you’re sitting now with online courses waiting for you to level up. 

You can easily find relevant courses in the Small Revolution school, for example, on:

  • Virtual assistance
  • Copywriting
  • Online store management
  • Content marketing

Where you can learn important new skills or perfect your knowledge on existing ones such as:

  • Search engine optimization
  • eCommerce blogging
  • File management practices
  • Writing store product pages
  • And much more…

But online spaces aren’t the only places where you get to learn as a teleworker. The beauty of online careers is that, unlike working full-time in a cubicle, you’re not limited by space. You can attend conferences and networking events that make you grow professionally where:

  • You get to meet experts you could only dream of when stuck at a desk.
  • You’re able to build key professional relationships with those you interact with.
  • You don’t experience the fear of missing out on once-in-a-lifetime occasions.

The ability to go where you want when you want also leads to new opportunities and experiences. Those you network with can become your next clients or recommend you to those that will be.

As you build connections, you also showcase your own knowledge. This can lead to incredible opportunities like giving presentations across the world. Not only do you get to experience new places, but it also comes with prestige and recognition.

Some of the most respected remote workers and online entrepreneurs include:

Below is one example of a remote work expert giving a talk. Here, Laurel Farrer presents during the Remote Leadership Summit. And because this is 2020, when the world is dealing with a pandemic, the talk is presented differently…

Independence in Your Work

The advantage that most excites online workers is the fact that they get to be their own bosses. You’re the master of your path, deciding what work you do; when you get it done; and how you do it. 

With an online career, your work is flexible and you can go about it at your own pace. Your professional progress is in most cases entirely up to you as you choose whether to:

  • Work and grow at a fast pace, doing as much as you can every single day.
  • Balance learning and getting work done evenly at a steady pace.
  • Take your time with a slower pace and focus on learning what you know is important.

In other cases, however, the choice is made for you, such is life and all its uncertainties. You could end up having to work fast, slow down, or even stop temporarily because of reasons like:

  • A worldwide pandemic that complicates things for you and those you work with.
  • An opportunity that arises for you to pursue a different dream.
  • Personal life changes like needing to take care of a loved one.
  • Injuries or accidents that prevent you from working at your full potential.
  • Upcoming life events that you need to prepare for financially.

Whatever happens in life, remain focused on achieving your online career goals. Because being your own boss brings you peace of mind that you won’t get from a regular job. You don’t have anyone to answer to but yourself, and that relieves an incredible amount of pressure.

Online careers also boost your self-confidence because you know you’re in charge. You need that faith in your abilities in order to succeed at whatever you do. There are no two ways about it, believing in yourself is fundamental when you choose this path.

Ultimately, you have the power. But in the wise eternal words of Uncle Ben, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Independence means that you need to make wise decisions that benefit you the most. These wise decisions come with know which behaviors and habits you need to adopt in your work. At the Small Revolution school, you can learn everything about Successful Behaviors & Habits. Enroll now to understand what it takes to get your work done exceptionally well.

Fulfillment Beyond Your Vision

Not only does your success depend on you, but it can also often surpass your wildest imagination. With an online career, there isn’t any real limit to what you can achieve unless you put one there. The internet offers so many possibilities that you could end up:

  • Working with clients halfway across the world who appreciate your work.
  • Communicating with a brand or personality you’ve always admired but never thought you’d reach.
  • Becoming the most renowned expert in your field.
  • Creating a strong community of appreciative followers.

All these possibilities have defined limits out of your control if you’re working a regular job. Furthermore, many desk jobs don’t offer a clear path of development. Whereas making your living online means that you don’t have to deal with office politics that hinder progression.

You can succeed professionally beyond your expectations and also grow personally through the:

  • Life lessons you get from memorable experiences.
  • Various perspectives on everyday topics.
  • Friendships you form that aren’t limited to a few colleagues around your cubicle.
  • Increased tolerance you gain from interacting with different people all over the world.
  • And so much more…

In Summary

An online career is THE right choice to make for numerous great reasons. It allows you to:

  • Learn and grow professionally without external pressures and limits.
  • Create unique opportunities and experiences for yourself.
  • Be your own boss at your own pace and choose your own path.
  • Truly believe in yourself.
  • Grow on a personal level and exceed your own expectations.

You don’t have to survive at a regular job when you can thrive in an online career.

Photo by Pressfoto / CC BY

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Katrina McKinnon

I'm Katrina McKinnon, the author behind Small Revolution. With two decades of hands-on experience in online work, running eCommerce stores, web agency and job boards, I'm now on a mission to empower you to work from home and achieve work-life balance. My passion lies in crafting insightful, education content. I have taught thousands of students and employees how to write, do SEO, manage eCommerce stores and work as Virtual Assistants. Join our most popular course: SEO Article Masterclass