When you take a work break, it’s easy to keep resorting to Facebook feeds, in hopes this will give you the respite you need. Unfortunately, it won’t.
Squandering your breaks on social media won’t help you clear that backlog of work. When wasting your break, you’re short-changing yourself out of a routine that will boost your productivity.

Now: The smart money is on taking frequent breaks to rest and recharge so you can get back to work re-focused. Engineering professor Barbara Oakley explains why:
When you’re focusing, you’re actually blocking your access to the diffuse mode. And the diffuse mode, it turns out, is what you often need to be able to solve a very difficult, new problem.
And when you’re an HR or procurement manager, you’re typically facing tons of problems. Taking well-spent breaks will help you come up with inspired solutions in the quest to make your workplace better for everyone.
But how does one take productive breaks?

We’ve put together a list of ideas for you. Use it as a tool to get yourself out of that awful productivity slump.
Energize Yourself
- Two laps around the block can be a lifebelt when your energy levels dip dangerously low. This increases your ability to tie up any loose ends once you’re back in the office. Finding it hard to get started? Join this walking challenge.
- Do a series of stretching exercises. You don’t even have to leave your desk for this one.
- Why take office calls at your desk when you can move around while working and kill two birds with one stone? Take your Bluetooth headset and step out of the office. The combination of talking, movement, and a change of scenery will help raise your energy levels.
- Go on a coffee run with your workmates. A healthy dose of caffeine and networking will give you the energy boost you need to get back on track.
- Park your car in a low foot traffic area and use it to take a short 15-minute nap. You’ll wake up more alert and able to regain focus.
- Scour the internet for an inspiring story or video to get your motor running and help you meet those daily goals.

Stay Organized and Productive
- Experts recommend using your break to take your mind off work. But once in a while, when you’re feeling inspired, you can use a 10-minute break to brainstorm the next task on your plate.
- Take some time to finally whip your files into shape. It’s good to have everything nice and tidy on the off-chance the boss comes by. Plus, the next time you turn on your computer, navigating through your files will be a breeze.
- Declutter your workspace. Put your brain on autopilot and do some tidying up. This will create conditions for you to achieve peak productivity once you’re back to work.
- Use your break at work to stack up on online tools that will help you stay productive. RescueTime shows you exactly where you’re wasting your time so you can make impactful changes, while StayFocusd limits your access to distracting websites.
- Google a nearby grocery delivery service and have your shopping delivered to your home. This will free up at least 3 hours of your weekly time. Use it to do something you love!
- Download an email management tool to make your life easier in the long-run. Try Boomerang or Streak. These tools will help you organize your emails into tasks and categories, push tasks that don’t need immediate attention to the background, etc.
Stimulate Your Brain Cells
- Feed your brain with some super-food deliciousness. Bulk up on nuts, berries, dark chocolate, and greens. Your brain will thank you for it, as will your tastebuds.
- Use Dual N-Back to give your brain a daily workout. It’s a professional-grade brain training game that will help improve your core cognitive functions and problem-solving.
- Keep a book at your desk and have a 15-minute read when your brain needs a rest. It’s a great way to take your eyes off the screen, shift your focus from work, and give your brain something new and inspiring to digest.
- Use the Pocket app to catch up on some online reading you’ve been meaning to do. You may chance upon a good idea you can jot down on your Evernote account and save it for later.
- Give yourself a 10-minute dose of your favourite sitcom when you’ve had it with work. It’ll help you escape that linear thinking box. And as they say, laughter is the best medicine!
- Take a few minutes a day to learn a new language with Duolingo and keep your memory in good shape. Adding another language to your roster will add value to your life. Plus, you may just inspire your colleagues to follow suit.

Loosen Up
- When your brain needs a ‘hard reset’, treat it to some real relaxation and pampering. Set off to that lovely coffee shop down on the corner and indulge in your favourite cup of coffee.
- Everyone needs to just shut off once in a while. Sometimes doing absolutely nothing is your greatest lifeline. So try it. Even if it’s only for two minutes. Still sounds like too much for you? This web app is a great starting point.
- A great way to loosen up during a hard day at work is to browse through funny memes. You can help reboot a bad day and have a few laughs in a single blow.
- Feeling stressed beyond manageability? Write about what’s bugging you in The Thoughts Room. You’ll relish seeing the source of your stress dissolve into the stars.
- Take a pad of paper and doodle or write. Let yourself go. You don’t have to write or draw with a particular goal in mind, just use it as an energy release. It’s a great tech-free break that will help you truly relax.
- Need something to liven up when that dreadful afternoon fatigue kicks in? Take some time to daydream about what you can add to your bucket list. Life’s Ultimate Bucket List and BucketList.net will give you some material to work with.

Get Ahead in Your Career
- Want to supercharge and future-proof your career? Start by finding a good online career training course or a top-tier industry conference to attend. Make sure to save up and plan ahead.
- Follow LinkedIn influencers. It will allow you to pick the brains of high-profile experts in your field and always have fresh info on any industry changes.
- Spend your break browsing Pinterest, but this time avoiding the fancy recipes and home decor. Scour the pages for creative resumes, companies you’d like to work for, and other inspo.
- Update your LinkedIn profile. Any new promotions or achievements? Have you been hand-picked for a project? Let those headhunters know!
- Catch up on your LinkedIn feed at least once a week. Follow new posts, and comment to congratulate people when they land a job, publish a book, or get included in the line-up as a conference speaker. You never know how those contacts can benefit you.
- Settle back, relax, and let yourself daydream for a while. Let your mind take you where you want to go in your career. When you have something to work towards, draft out a plan and stick to it.
Make the Most of Your Break at Work
Almost nobody has money and time to burn, even when it comes to work breaks. So why not take advantage of that time?

Take meaningful breaks that will engage your focus and decision-making potential. Try the suggestions above. They’ll spark creative energy so you achieve positive results time and again.