Preparing for an affiliate marketer job interview can be intimidating. It’s easy to make a mistake during the interview or perhaps you are worried that you won’t make a good impression. Naturally, you are going to feel nervous.
The good news is, the company you are interviewing for is ultimately looking for someone who can drive sales for their products or services. As a result, they will ask you questions about yourself, your process of marketing products, and any relevant experience with the type of product or service they offer.
All you have to do is present your answers to look like the best fit for the position. Stay positive throughout the entire interview process as you answer, and you’ll make a deeper impression.
To increase your chances further, follow up with an email thanking the interviewer for their time and for inviting you to the interview.
Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.
Benjamin Spock
If you stick around for the next few minutes you’ll learn:
- What questions to expect in the interview
- How to prepare your answers to make your delivery perfect for every question
- How to find resources to help you get ready for interviews even if it’s on short notice
- How to show confidence when you are working
We will go through the main questions that the interviewer may ask and how to answer them. Once you do, you stand out from other candidates, and make it a no-brainer for the hiring manager.
The following questions are the most commonly asked in an affiliate marketer interview, which means that the interviewer might ask you these questions exactly as they are or in some variation.
Don’t feel intimidated! Let’s get started …
1: Are You Familiar With the Products/Services You’ll Be Promoting?
The interviewer is asking this question to see if you have researched the company’s products/services. Do your research before the interview so you have a powerfully insightful answer to offer.
That will tell the interviewer that you have the necessary information to come up with successful strategies and campaigns.
Below is an example of a compelling answer:
“Yes, I’m familiar with the products I’ll be promoting for this company.
In my previous job, I was in charge of researching the market, understanding how people shop, and what our competitors are up to. I ran multiple successful campaigns by keeping an eye on current market trends and best practices to make sure I came up with the most effective campaigns.
I aim to use my knowledge and experience to help your company run successful affiliate marketing campaigns to boost sales.
2: What Are Some of the Most Effective Strategies That You Have Used to Make Sales for Your Campaign?
This question is asked to find out whether you are knowledgeable in affiliate marketing. The interviewer wants to know what you have tried in the past that you/they think might work in their context.
This is your chance to show off some of your biggest wins in your career so far and to talk yourself up. Keep it on a professional level and stay humble even if you have impressive statistics to share about your success. Don’t brag!
Here is an example of an answer you can use.
“Some of the most effective strategies I have used include:
- Optimizing content to rank well in search engines
- Creating engaging, helpful, and informative content
- Developing connections and building relationships with influencers and other affiliates
- Running targetted ads in different platforms to build brand awareness
- Using social media to reach a wider audience
Additionally, I am result oriented and like to optimize my campaigns to get the best result from my marketing efforts.
My most successful campaign so far is the one I ran for company X and it generated sales worth $Y and that was an increase in Z% of their previous campaigns”
This is a good answer because it gives the interviewer a peek into what your process looks like, tells them that you are ready and willing to learn and adapt to new strategies, and you have the proven results to back it up.
3: How Much Do You Understand About the Target Audience for This Product/Service?
Answer this question by letting the interviewer know who the target audience is, and your process of identifying them.
That means you should tell them how you researched and understood that that was the target audience and how you identified their demographics, needs, and interests. Tell them a campaign or a strategy that you have in mind to communicate with the audience.
It is a lot simpler than it sounds.
Here is an example of an answer you can give.
“Your company sells facial products. The majority of people who buy these products are women between 26 and 54 years old. The younger women will tend to buy budget products while the more mature women will buy high-end products.
These people care about how they look in front of the mirror and want their complexion to be flawless.
An effective marketing campaign would target both segments of this market with multiple ads and content targeted to their respective age groups.
I would also use mostly female models for the ad campaigns and adapt a female persona for content creation.”

How to Prepare for the Interview
Ultimately, the interviewer wants concrete evidence that you can get sales for their products. Every question they ask will be directed towards uncovering whether you have the potential to promote a brand and boost sales significantly.
As you can see from the answers above, make sure to give 3 key components in every answer to set yourself apart from the other candidates:
- Information about yourself – Tell the interviewer something about you that qualifies you to answer the question.
- Your relevant experience – What part of your experience relates to this position? And what were the results?
- How your experience is related to selling their product – Does your answer build your case to becoming their next top affiliate?
Now, as you get into the interview, there is something important to consider: Your communication, both body language(non-verbal communication) and your verbal communication.
Whether you are in a virtual meeting or an in-person interview, the interviewer can pick up on different verbal and nonverbal communication.
In the following table, we compare body language effectiveness to verbal communication modes to help you demonstrate them properly in an interview:
Attribute | Non Verbal Communication | Verbal Communication |
Engagement |
Confidence, attention |
Enthusiasm |
Respect |
While communicating with the interviewer, always be respectful and positive when giving your responses.
Expert Tip: It is totally normal to get nervous before an interview; nobody wants to fail or make a fool of themselves. A small change in perspective might help you feel calmer. See the interviewer as someone who has a vacancy to fill and it is in their best interest to build rapport with you. Present yourself in the best light and they will notice.
So, always think of an interview as a meeting between you and the employer. This will help you calm your nerves.
Sell Your Skills Like a Pro

You can see that to ace an affiliate marketer interview, you need to sell your skills to the company to convince them that you are the right fit for them.
The best way to do that is by researching their products or services so you know what to talk about in the interview, articulating your skills and experiences in the context of your employer’s needs based on the job description, and giving the interviewer a solid connection between your skills and the position.
It comes down to careful, confident preparation. The better prepared you are for the interview the higher your chances of landing the job.
Small Revolution understands this and has a ton of resources and additional questions to help you get ready and sell your skills to the interviewer like a pro.
Thanks a lot for your help. I have now been hired by FilterBuy and will be starting to work very soon. I am very excited and I can’t wait to work with them.
You can build rapport with the interviewer. But you have to learn to show that you are a good fit, to actually get the job. These practice questions and answers should get you closer to landing the job.
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